3 Easy Ways to Boost Engagement on Instagram

With the new algorithm on Instagram, it’s harder than ever to get engagement (engagement is likes and comments on your Instagram feed posts). I know it can get discouraging, but there are a few very easy things you can do TODAY to build more engagement.

  1. Ask your followers a question- I love telling my followers something about me and then asking for the same information back. For example, I can’t stop listening to Post Malone, who do y’all have on repeat? Not only will you get more comments but when you engage with your community they will
  2. Comment on peoples post- It takes engagement to get engagement in my opinion. Challenge yourself to comment on 25 photos you genuinely like something about and watch them engage back. Protip: Commenting on other accounts is also a great way to get more people to see your page. If you comment on other peoples photos, some of their followers will see it and even jump over to your page. It’s called social media, so get social!
  3. Share the post on your stories- I’ve heard some bloggers refer to this as tacky, but as the old saying goes, closed mouths don’t get fed!

Til next time,


And for more blogging and social media tips click here.


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