Frequently Asked Questions

My favorite part about blogging is all the wonderful people I get to meet and chat with. I always try to answer as many of your questions as I can on social media or via email, however, it isn’t always possible. So, today I thought I would break down the most popular things y’all ask me. These are more personal questions, if you are looking specifically for Instagram FAQ, click here.

FAQ MadzPayne

I want to start a blog, do you have any advice?

I actually have a TON of advice about blogging, click here to see all my posts on the subject.

I don’t get it, how can blogging be your job?

If I had a dollar for every time I got asked this questions, I wouldn’t need to blog (LOL). I have a whole post on how digital influencers make money, click here.

You look tall, how tall are you?

I seriously get this all the time and I think it’s so funny that people think I’m tall online. I’m only 5’2, maybe 5’3 on a good day (lol).

What do you use to curl your hair?

I actually curl my hair different ways depending on the look, but for my most typical hairstyle, I use this iron and have had it for years. It’s great!

What foundation do you use?

It varies, but I normally wear a super cheap foundation from the drugstore. You can see all the products for my everyday makeup look here.

Do you have any videos on your everyday hair and makeup?

No, but I’m planning on doing them very soon!

Do you have extensions?

Yes! I’m trying out new clip-ins right now, so I will get back to y’all on how I feel after I’ve had them awhile. I go back and forth between clip ins and tape-ins. You can see how tape-ins work here.

Do you have a youtube channel?

Yes, you can check it out here.

What are your favorite shops?

Besides local boutiques, I love Shein, H&M, Express,

Are you single? Why do you never post a boyfriend?

I actually am currently single and not looking to mingle, LOL, but even when I’m dating someone, I’m pretty private about it. Although I’m sharing my life with all of you, I wouldn’t share a boyfriend unless we’d been together awhile, I always cringe when I see social media influencers having to explain a breakup. Ha, maybe when I get married.

What are your favorite spots in Houston?

You can actually click here for my Houston recommendations (I have a bunch)

How do you stay in shape while always trying new restaurants?

It’s really all about balance. I try to attend cycling classes at CycleBar at least 4 times a week (more if I can), and have recently started running. As far as diets go, I do go in stages of being strict about what I eat to make up for all the yummy food I eat. I have two meal plans I regularly follow. You can find them here and here. And, I’m also a really big fan of juice cleanses, you can read about the one I like here.

If I didn’t answer your questions, feel free to comment it below or on my instagram @MadzPayne.

Til next time,

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